My Journey
We all have a unique path in life and in the same way, a unique purpose.

The events of our lives contribute to the shaping of our path by inviting us to make a choice about how we will react to them. In my case, a carefree childhood spent on our family farm with four siblings instilled in me a love for Nature and family. In addition, I grew up in a Christian home, which gave me a foundation of faith.
Life didn’t remain quite this idyllic, though. In adulthood, I experienced a series of challenges, including a marriage straight out of high school, early motherhood, and an extremely sickly child. These events challenged me on every level, even as they strengthened me, as did subsequent distressing circumstances such as divorce, house fires, and my own walk through cancer. Yet, none of these difficulties affected me as profoundly as the ultimate loss in my life-the death of my son, Shaun.
I spent many years in a state of confusion and darkness after Shaun was killed in an accidental shooting. I was totally unable to function and had suicidal thoughts and one attempt. All the worldly achievements I had attained–co-founding a successful business, purchasing a lovely home, receiving many awards– meant nothing to me. I lost myself when I lost my son and had to rebuild everything from the ground up. Having been there, I understand how this level of pain can leave you questioning, Who am I? and Why am I here? or even, What is the point of living?
During those dark years, it was always valuable to me to hear what worked and what didn’t for other people. I searched far and wide to find therapies and information that could lead me back to feeling really alive again. The result of all this pain and seeking has led to my life’s work–coaching people through life transition, transformational coaching, grief coaching, and the release of my book “Grief Warrior.” I am deeply passionate about sharing the many tools I have discovered for coping and thriving in life–they are one of the many blessings in disguise I have received from hitting rock bottom.
With years of experience behind me in the corporate world as a business owner and marketer and community servant, I have practical knowledge as well as emotional insight to offer.
This allows me to blend my interests with my educational goals providing a broader deeper perspective. I am also advancing my life coach training so I can stay current on all techniques and tools.
Through my coaching and writing, I seek to serve God by helping others. I’m here for you, no matter how broken or angry you may feel over the pain you are living with, whether you have a belief in God or not, and no matter what your background is. I’ve been there; you won’t be judged by me.
We live in an ever-changing world, and there is so much to learn, and give. I truly believe when I teach another what I’ve learned, I grow myself in so many ways. For this reason, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in the capacity of coach, grief support or friend.
At the time I was suffering, it seemed impossible to imagine ever feeling happiness again, but with the help of God and loving people in my life, as well as exploring various therapies and a strong dose of sheer grit, I somehow emerged stronger, wiser, and more grateful than I ever thought possible. I believe the same can happen for you, and I would be honored to support you on your grief journey toward healing. Thank you for visiting my site; I wish you all the best in navigating life’s challenges.